Council Meetings
The next ordinary meeting of the Council will be Thursday 13th March 2025, 7.30pm in the Llanyblodwel and Porthywaen Memorial Institute. An agenda for the meeting and meeting papers can be found below, 3 clear days before the meeting.
Scheme of Delegation
The power to delegate functions is set out in the Local Government Act 1972, s.101.
The Council has adopted the following ‘Scheme of Delegation’ to delegate certain duties to the Clerk and enable the continued running of the council in these unprecedented times.
Llanyblodwel PC Scheme of delegation adopted March 2020 reviewed July 24
The intention of this delegation scheme is to allow the Council to act with all reasonable speed. Decisions should be taken at the most suitable level. Therefore, the Clerk is given powers over the day to day administration of the Council, Committees to decide matters within their Terms of Reference, and matters of major policy should be recommended to the full Council.
Whilst delegation is necessary, it is the Council’s policy that members and the press and public should have the fullest information. Therefore, the Clerk reports all major decisions taken under delegated powers at the next available Council meeting, and where appropriate, publishes additional information on the Parish Council website.
Planning Delegation
The Parish Council recognises that there are times where the timing of a planning application would not allow enough time for the Council to meet and agree on a response before the deadline for consultee comments. There may also be occasions where Parish Council meetings have been prevented from taking place.
If you have a specific issue which you would like to raise, it would be most helpful if you could notify us in the run-up to the meeting so that it can be added to the agenda. See the “Contact Us” page on the website for details.
Agendas and minutes for the council meetings are a matter of public record, and may be read and/or downloaded from the links below. These are PDF format documents and you may need the free Acrobat viewer (or equivalent) to view them. This can be obtained from
Previous Agendas:
09.01.25 Agenda Llanyblodwel PC
14.11.24 Agenda Llanyblodwel PC
12.09.24 Agenda Llanyblodwel PC
11.07.24 Agenda Llanyblodwel PC
25.06.24 Extraordinary Meeting – Agenda Llanyblodwel PC
09.05.24 Agenda Llanyblodwel PC
14.03.24 Agenda Llanyblodwel PC
11.01.23 Agenda Llanyblodwel PC
09.11.23 Agenda Llanyblodwel PC
07.09.23 Agenda Llanyblodwel PC
10.08.23 Extraordinary Agenda Llanyblodwel PC
13.07.23 Agenda Llanyblodwel PC
11.05.23 Agenda Llanyblodwel PC
13.04.23 Agenda Extraorindary Meeting Llanyblodwel PC
March meeting (09.03.23) cancelled due to heavy snowfall
12.01.23 Agenda Llanyblodwel PC
10.11.22 Agenda Llanyblodwel PC
01.09.22 Agenda Llanyblodwel PC
14.07.22 Agenda Llanyblodwel PC
12.05.22 Agenda Llanyblodwel PC
10.03.22 Agenda Llanyblodwel PC
13.01.22 Agenda Llanyblodwel PC
11.11.21 November Agenda Llanyblodwel PC
11.10.21 Oct Extraordinary Agenda Llanyblodwel PC
09.09.21 September Agenda Llanyblodwel PC
05.08.21 August Extraordinary Agenda Llanyblodwel PC
08.07.21 July Agenda Llanyblodwel PC
20.05.21 May Agenda LlanyblodwelPC
September Agenda LlanyblodwelPC
09.01.25 DRAFT Minutes LlanyblodwelPC Appendix A – Llanyblodwel Budget 2025-26
14.11.24 Minutes LlanyblodwelPC
12.09.24 Minutes LlanyblodwelPC
11.07.24 Minutes LlanyblodwelPC
25.06.24 Minutes LlanyblodwelPC – Extraordinary Meeting
09.05.24 Minutes LlanyblodwelPC
14.03.24 Minutes LlanyblodwelPC
11.01.24 Minutes LlanyblodwelPC Appendix A – Budget – Llanyblodwel Budget 2024-25
09.11.23 Minutes LlanyblodwelPC
07.09.23 Minutes LlanyblodwelPC
10.08.23 Minutes LlanyblodwelPC
13.07.23 Minutes LlanyblodwelPC
11.05.23 Minutes LlanyblodwelPC
13.04.23 Minutes LlanyblodwelPC
12.01.23 Minutes LlanyblodwelPC – Appendix A – Llanyblodwel Budget 2023-34
10.11.22 Minutes LlanyblodwelPC
01.09.22 Minutes LlanyblodwelPC
14.07.22 Minutes LlanyblodwelPC
12.05.22 Minutes LlanyblodwelPC
10.03.22 Minutes LlanyblodwelPC
13.01.22 Minutes LlanyblodwelPC Appendix A – Llanyblodwel Budget 2022-23 (inc Year End Earmarked Reserves)
11.11.21 Minutes LlanyblodwelPC
11.10.21 Minutes Extraordinary Meeting LlanyblodwelPC
09.09.21 Minutes LlanyblodwelPC
05.08.21 August Extraordinary Minutes LlanyblodwelPC
08.07.21 July Minutes LlanyblodwelPC
20.05.21 May Minutes LlanyblodwelPC
11.03.21 March Minutes LlanyblodwelPC
January Minutes LlanyblodwelPC – Appendix A – Llanyblodwel Budget 2021-22 (inc Year End Earmarked Reserves)
September Minutes LlanyblodwelPC