Annual Parish Meeting

The 2024 Annual Parish Meeting was held on Thursday 9th May 2024 at 7.00pm in the Llanyblodwel and Porthywaen Memorial Institute. A copy of the draft minutes from the meeting can be found below:

Llanyblodwel Annual Parish Meeting – DRAFT minutes 09.05.24

APM May 2024 – Financial Report

Shropshire Councillor – Annual Report 2024

The 2023 Annual Parish Meeting took place on THURSDAY 11th MAY 2023 at 6.30pm in the Llanyblodwel and Porthywaen Memorial Institute. A copy of the minutes can be found below:

Llanyblodwel Annual Parish Meeting – minutes 11.05.23

The 2022 Annual Parish Meeting took place on Thursday 12th May in the Llanyblodwel and Porthywaen Memorial Institute, starting at 6.30pm. A copy of the minutes can be found below:

Llanyblodwel Annual Parish Meeting – minutes 12.05.22

The 2021 Annual Parish Meeting took place on Zoom on Thursday 29th April 2021 at 7pm via Zoom.

A copy of the minutes can be found below:

Llanyblodwel Annual Parish Meeting – minutes 29.04.21

The 2020 Annual Parish Meeting was cancelled due to the Covid-19 outbreak.

Previous APM Minutes

May 2019 APM minutes

What is the Annual Parish Meeting?

An Annual Parish Meeting consists of the local government electors of a parish and the purpose of the meeting is to discuss parish affairs.

Only local government electors for the parish are qualified to vote at the Annual Parish Meeting or a poll consequent thereon. Each elector can give one vote on any question and no more. A question to be decided by an Annual Parish Meeting shall, in the first instance, be decided by a majority of those present at the meeting and voting thereon, and the decision of the person presiding the meeting as to the result of the voting shall be final unless a poll is demanded. In the case of an equality of votes, the person presiding at the meeting shall have a casting vote, in addition to any other vote he may have.

Any questions that are raised during the Open Forum session which cannot be readily answered by either the Chairman of the meeting, a designated Councillor or the Clerk, will be noted by the Minute Secretary and placed on the Agenda of a forthcoming Parish Council meeting.

An Annual Parish Meeting’s resolutions will not be binding on the Parish Council save in exceptional circumstances (e.g. a resolution for a Parish Council to provide allotment gardens will trigger a parish council’s duty under s.23 Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908 to consider if their provision of allotment gardens is sufficient to meet demand). Unless one of the exceptions applies, the Annual Parish Meeting’s resolutions will be persuasive only and the council will need to decide if it wishes to disregard them.