Freedom Fibre: proposed telegraph poles (Llanyblodwel)

Information from Freedom Fibre

As you may be aware, Freedom Fibre is rolling out its lightning-fast, full-fibre broadband network to homes and businesses in North Shropshire.

Whilst we are largely able to make use of the existing network of telegraph poles and underground ducting, it is sometimes necessary to install new essential infrastructure to ensure no community is left behind.

Under existing planning rules, masts and poles less than 15 metres high can be installed without being subject to planning consent except those listed under Article 1 (5) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995. The obligation for telecoms companies like ours is to display a ‘Regulation 5’ notice detailing the proposed telegraph poles on nearby street furniture (such as lighting columns) 28 days before their planned installation.

That said, we are keen to proactively engage with residents and community leaders as much as possible. To that end, please find attached a list of proposed new telegraph poles which will be installed in the coming months. Please note that this list is subject to change (the locations will likely be vague – please see the latitude and longitude for specific locations).

Llanyblodwel poles

In line with our statutory obligations, we will display official notices detailing the proposed telegraph poles on nearby street furniture (such as lighting columns) 28 days before their planned installation. Residents with questions or queries are encouraged to visit