A483 Mile End to Upper Sweeney drainage work


We’ll be carrying out surveys to the drains to determine their current condition, along with low level maintenance work. This will ensure the drains are working as designed or help us to identify areas that are in need of repair.

We’ll work overnight, between 8pm and 6am25 March 2024 to 10 May 2024, Monday to Friday. Our work will be carried out as follows:

25 March to 27 March and 2 April to 5 April – Temporary traffic lights on the A483 between Mile End roundabout and the B5069.

8 April to 19 April – Full closures of the A483, in both directions, between Mile End roundabout and the A495/B4396/A483 junction.

22 April to 10 May – Temporary traffic lights on the A483 between Mile End roundabout and the B5069.

During closures we’ll install a fully signed diversion route via the A483, the A458 and the A5.

Access for emergency services will be maintained throughout.

We’ll make every effort to ensure the impact on the local community and travelling public is kept to a minimum. We always aim to work to the programme, however unforeseen circumstances or adverse weather conditions may mean changes.

I’d like to apologise in advance for any inconvenience or disruption to those living close to the work. We’ll make every effort to carefully manage noise levels and additional lighting to minimise the impact.

Further Information

If you’d like to be kept up to date with future work along the A483, please subscribe to our mailing list by emailing noreplyA483WMids@nationalhighways.co.uk.

If you have any questions, or if you would like to know more about our work, please call us on 0300 123 5000 or email info@nationalhighways.co.uk.

You can also visit our website at nationalhighways.co.uk/our-work/ or write to us at National Highways, National Traffic Operations Centre, 3 Ridgeway, Quinton Business Park, Birmingham, B32 1AF. Please leave your feedback by completing our online survey, just scan the QR code below.

May 2024 Police and Crime Commissioner elections

Information from Shropshire Council

All of our polling stations are:

  • Wheelchair accessible or provided ramps for those that aren’t.
  • Have polling booths adapted specifically for wheelchair users.
  • Ballot box slot highlighted for the visually impaired to show where the ballot paper is placed.
  • Have large print ballot papers which are clearly displayed inside the polling station and a copy can be given to voters to take with them into the polling booth.
  • Have aids to enable blind voters to cast their vote without support (Tactile Voting Device)
  • Our polling stations will also allow voters with disabilities to use any text-to-speech apps, torch, or magnifier that they have on their phone to assist them in the reading of their ballot papers, even though mobile phones are not generally permitted in the polling stations
  • Companions who can provide assistance in the polling station.

If you require support in order to complete you’re vote then you can bring someone along with you, however if there is no one available then the presiding officer at the polling station is also available to offer that support.

Anyone over the age of 18 can act as a companion to assist you in the polling station. Any companion will be required to complete a declaration by companion to confirm they have assisted an elector in the polling station/voting booth.

There is also the option to arrange a postal vote (where your ballot paper is sent to you in the post 2 weeks before poll) or a proxy vote (where someone votes on your behalf) if you do not wish to vote at a polling station yourself.

If you think we could provide more help and support contact the Election team at elections@shropshire.gov.uk or call 0345 678 9015 and please let us know.