Llanyblodwel Bridge and trial width restriction


A width restriction trial will be implemented on 15.09.22 when the bridge is re-opened.

  1. A temporary trial 2.5m width restriction will be imposed at Llanyblodwel Bridge for a period of 3 to 6 months when the bridge is re-opened following the detailed Principal Bridge Inspection.
  2. The experimental traffic width restriction will be formed using temporary concrete vertical barriers (TVCBs) placed on either side of the bridge or on the bridge approaches. To accommodate local farming (see attached images and dimensions below) the width at the southern end of the bridge will be set at 2.70m (bridge end) and splayed to 3.70m (on the approach to bend). Some of the grass verge to the SE corner will be widened and topped with sub-base and surfacing material. The width at the northern end of the bridge will be set at 2.70m with no splay as it has a straight approach. White lining will be installed to guide vehicles on the approach to the bridge on the southern side.
  3. Advance signage warning of the width restrictions at the bridge will be erected at strategic positions (see attached documents and drawings). These signs are only advisory and not Mandatory at this stage of the trial. Signs will be yellow background with black lettering. X-height 50mm or 75mm (as per the attached drg). Additional information signs will also be erected either side of the bridge approaches and on the key junction approaches stating ”Experimental 2.5m width restriction in force at Llanblodwel Bridge”these signs are on order and will be placed next week.
  4. We are also looking to install a temporary CCTV camera at the bridge as a trial. We are meeting with the supplier early next week to discuss logistics with regards to location, electric supply, signal strength for wireless connection etc. I will keep you posted on when the CCTV camera is likely to be installed.
  5. We were also considering installing temporary solar operated Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS) signs to warn motorists of the width restriction ahead. However, at present the need has not been assessed and we will continually review this need.

On completion of the trial we will consult with the local Councillor, Parish Council, residents and farming community along with other businesses in the area about the success, or failure, of any of the temporary measures installed and look to agree what traffic measures we need to installed as a permanent feature to protect the historic bridge and to minimise the impact on the local community when the bridge has to be closed following a bridge strike/ impact. With the bridge being listed as a Grade II structure any future permanent width restrictions at the bridge itself will need to be sympathetic to the local surroundings and aesthetically pleasing to the eye, which will require consent from Historic England (formally English Heritage).