Community Reassurance update from Shropshire Council

As lockdown eases, we are all tentatively taking steps into what is being called the ‘new normal’. At this time, let’s not forget how important it is to stay and remind ourselves to adhere to guidance on the use of face coverings, hand hygiene and social distancing (don’t forget, that’s 2 metres where possible). To support this, please refer to the revised poster attached, note that this supersedes the version that I shared previously. Furthermore, this press release is a timely reminder to those out socialising this weekend –

Check here for full information and always remember our direct Covid-19 Helpline, for non-medical support and enquires, email or call 0345 6789028. If anyone that you know is experiencing financial difficulty related to Covid-19, please pass on the attached flyer which has useful contact details or get them to call the Council’s Welfare Support Team on 0345 678 9078. 


Local Outbreak Control Plan

Reinforcing the stay safe message Shropshire has produced its Local Outbreak Control Plan, which sets out the priorities and actions necessary to respond to a Covid outbreak and to prevent outbreaks from happening.

Rachel Robinson, Shropshire Council’s director of public health, summed things up;

“Shropshire Local Outbreak Control Plan is in place to ensure we are well prepared to effectively contain the coronavirus and reduce its spread in the community. The outbreak plan will evolve and build as we learn.”

“Whilst I am confident our local arrangements are robust and in place to deal with local cases, we continue to rely on everyone to play their part, by maintaining social distancing, washing your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds, and by booking a test if you have any of the symptoms of Covid-19, and by self-isolating. Although we are seeing a drop in cases across Shropshire and the UK as a whole, this is not a time to be complacent. As national restrictions are relaxed it is even more important that everyone plays their part to help protect their families, friends and neighbours from the risk of a local outbreak.”

If you would like to read the full Local Outbreak Control Plan use this link:

Bereavement Support Service

For anyone who is experiencing and suffering from bereavement and loss during the coronavirus pandemic a new Bereavement Support Service and publications are available. Run by Shropshire Council and community voluntary partners Samaritans, Cruse Bereavement Care, Severn Hospice and Crane Quality Counselling.

If you are seeking help and support, the new confidential bereavement service can be accessed by calling the Shropshire Council COVID-19 Helpline number on 0345 678 9028

Two new publications are available to complement the service: You can get the booklets here: Bereavement and grief during the Covid-19 pandemic:

Bereavement practical guide and checklist:


Survey for Community Groups – we’d like to hear your views

As you know, the pandemic has been a catalyst for an incredible amount of community support with people responding either individually or in groups to help those in their neighbourhood affected by the lockdown restrictions.

As these restrictions ease and life seems to start to get back to ‘normal’, it may be that some of this activity will come to an end because people will go back to work and have less time, or because it will no longer be needed. However, we also anticipate (and hope!) that some groups will want to continue and develop new activity or expand what they are doing and may need some help to do so.

Shropshire Rural Communities Charity (RCC) has created a survey in collaboration with Shropshire Council in order to understand more about what local groups have been doing in response to Covid-19, and to understand what groups feel they would need to develop and continue offering support within their community.

We would also like to understand how groups feel they will be able to support if there should be a local outbreak of the virus in their community. Finally, as we now know that BAME (Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic) people are likely to be disproportionately affected should they contract Covid, we would value your thoughts on your group’s experiences of working with BAME community members.

As the contact for your group we have sent you a link to the survey. We would be really grateful if you would help us build a picture of what is happening in Shropshire, how community groups are best supported in the future and most importantly, how communities have supported themselves during this time. The survey should take about 15 minutes to complete in full. You may not find all questions relevant to your group or organisation – feel free to skip any that you cannot answer.

Link to the online survey –

Shropshire Council and Shropshire RCC will use the responses to this survey to work with other partner organisations to design support services, activities and action to respond to the recovery efforts following the Coronavirus pandemic. The information you provide will be used to inform decision making and action planning.

This survey is not anonymous. We will be able to identify you from your responses and the information you provide will be attributed to your group or organisation. Please be assured that we will not share your information with any other external third parties outside of the partnership. Your information will be held securely, and if shared it will be shared securely. We comply with data protection laws concerning the protection of personal information, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Your response will be stored and kept in line with Shropshire Council’s Retention Schedule.

If you have any questions about the survey or how the information will be used please contact  You can read more about our work and how we support communities in Shropshire here:


National Emergencies Trust encourages Black Asian and Minority Ethnic organisations to apply for funding.

The National Emergencies Trust (NET) is encouraging charities and groups who serve the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities to apply for funds.

Research shows that people of BAME background are at a significantly increased risk of coronavirus.

Find out more about funding here:


WARMER HOMES – Free central heating now available for eligible households

Good news – free first-time central heating installation is now available for eligible households, thanks to a new grant scheme to help people reduce their heating costs.

Managed by Shropshire Council, the Warmer Homes Shropshire initiative offers grants for eligible households across Shropshire. The scheme is open to homeowners, as well as private tenants and their landlords.

Grants are available over the next two years to more than 300 households who don’t currently have central heating, many of whom rely on expensive and inefficient heating systems such as night storage heaters or portable electric heating. If a property needs to be connected to the gas supply to install a central heating system, this will also be covered by the scheme. Installing new gas central heating systems could save a household as much as £350 per year, along with the £4,500 cost of a brand-new heating system.

The team at Keep Shropshire Warm are available on 0800 112 3743 and can discuss the scheme in more detail, help residents apply and provide advice on any energy topic, big or small. If you are in a rural area and don’t have central heating, the team could still be able to help.